Guest speaker Simon Nelson from Same Difference gave us a fascinating introduction to the topic of unconscious bias at work, in a recent staff workshop. He introduced us to concepts such as the ‘beauty bias, ‘affinity bias’, and the ‘halo effect’ all of which can potentially lead to discrimination in the workplace.

The training was the latest in our quarterly ED&I sessions, when we bring experts from the field to share their knowledge, update staff on the latest initiatives and gather feedback and ideas from staff.
The regular workshops build on previous work we have done including commissioning an independent report looking into best practice, insights and learnings from our work on the popular BBC series JoJo and Gran Gran.
Hannah Murdoch, our welfare and HR manager said: “Everyone really enjoyed the session with Simon and we’re hoping to do more training in the near future as it feels like we only scratched the surface”.
“Our ED&I sessions are an important part of our ongoing work to ensure that A Productions is a welcoming and inclusive place to work and we look forward to Simon returning to continue to help us develop a deeper understanding of this issue.